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Art and Crafts


Do you know that art is important for our children? You may not realize that your child is actually learning a lot through exploring the arts and doing art activities. Your children actually gain useful life skills through art, so encourage them to get creative, and you will quickly see that your children are picking up the following skills:  
- Communication Skills

- Problem-Solving Skills

- Social & Emotional Skills

- Fine Motor Skills

Self-Expression and Creativity


Art may seem like fun and games -- and it is! 



Do you find it difficult to educate your children especially when you want to provide more in depth information to them? Lapbooking could be your answer!


What is a lapbook?

A lapbook is a collection of small booklets on a related topic collected in one place. Most of the time they are mounted together in one or more file folders.


The booklets are often referred to as mini books and come in many varieties. Children can design their own mini books according to their likings. Some are simple, some contains several pages stacked together with a cover and stapled together. Others can be more complex, paper folded in various directions with multiple flaps or moving parts and these are usually done by older children. 



- provides a good opportunity for the children to practice their summarizing skills without a whole lot of writing

- doing a couple mini books is a good way to spend their time on than TV

- a good way for the children to keep/retain what they learn



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